The GoldenRules.Life website is hosted on the web servers of

The domain name for the GoldenRules.Life website belongs to SF Copywriting SA, based in Geneva, Switzerland.

The articles published on this site are available in English and French, and are intended for the general public.

Our website operators don’t track your cookies! The aim of our website is to provide articles containing valuable information on a wide range of subjects.

Following a community policy, any person or company may publish articles on the various sections of the GoldenRules.Life site. To do so, please send your requests to our e-mail address Provided that your article adds value to the themes of our website, it will be published online.

The GoldenRules.Life site is extremely secure, and our technical department makes every effort to facilitate the reading of published articles. However, we cannot be held liable for any technical problems related to the hosting of this site.

Articles Published on GoldenRules.Life

If an article published on GoldenRules.Life contains information from other resources, the sources are indicated. Furthermore, the article writers can be contacted directly. Their e-mail addresses can be found at the bottom of the article page, by simply clicking on the envelope icon.

Launched in September 2023, the entire GoldenRules.Life website is updated frequently. Every effort is made, both technically and editorially, to offer you content that is fun, original and above all, pertinent.

Owner of the Golden Rules Life website

To contact the operators of this site in writing, please send your postal mail to:

SF Copywriting SA
Route de Florissant 62
1206 Geneva

Website: CopyWriting.Studio
